
Inbound Email

Receive and turn inbound emails into JSON webhooks effortlessly with our inbound email service.

MailPace comes with unlimited, catch all inbound domains on every account. Once setup, all emails sent to your domain will be forwarded on to a webhook endpoint of your choice as a JSON object.

You can receive email to any username at your domain, e.g. example@inbound.yourdomain.com, user123@inbound.yourdomain.com etc. without having to define them upfront, and even create unlimited subdomains.

Setup is simple. Simply create your domain inside MailPace, provide a webhook endpoint to forward emails on to, and create a single DNS record. That's it!

Integrate in minutes

MailPace supports all your favourite languages and has integrations for popular frameworks

Terminal window
# Copy and paste into the terminal to send an email using curl
curl "https://app.mailpace.com/api/v1/send" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "MailPace-Server-Token: API_TOKEN_GOES_HERE" \
-d '{
"from": "example@domain.com",
"to": "person@somewhere.com",
"subject": "Hello from MailPace.com",
"textbody": "Hello"

Tidy Documentation

Our documentation is simple to read, easy to understand and will help you get started in minutes.

Screenshot of MailPace Documentation

We are speedy fast πŸš…

And we share our performance metrics to prove it

We measure, track and optimize for time to inbox. We publish live results for all to see to hold ourselves accountable to our fast transactional email delivery times.

Latest Time to Inbox Timings



Avg: 6.44s



Avg: 9.33s



Avg: 10.27s

Ready to send?